Promoting human and labor rights through GSP+


Eurasia Partnership foundation, Democracy Reporting International (DRI)

European Union

All Rights Foundation (ARF)

The goal of the alternative report is to provide the UN Committee on Social, Economic and Cultural Rights with information on the implementation of the 11th article of the UN International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (henceforth: Covenant) by the RA Government.  The article 11 of the Covenant states the responsibility of government to provide a sufficient standard of living for each individual and his family including their right of sufficient food, clothing, apartment and living conditions on continuous basis. The report concerns to a component of sufficient living standard right stated by the Covenant’s 11th article, specifically focusing on the right of sufficient living conditions of the citizens of the disaster zone affected by the 1988 earthquake.

The RA of Armenia has a responsibility of reporting once in four years to the of the UN International Committee of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights after ratifying the UN International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. On May 2019, a report is scheduled to be submitted by the state. In parallel with the report of the state, a “shadow” report is also being prepared by civil society organizations (TPF Armenia, EPF Armenia), which is expected to be submitted to the Committee on July, 2019.

To thoroughly study the evaluation mechanisms of the Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP+), the main conventions of the United Nations, the International Labor Organization, Recommendations made to Armenia by the UN treaty bodies and Committee of Experts of the International Labor Organization, the current RA regulations and developments in fight against discrimination. To present an alternative report to the UN International Committee of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the scope of the “Promoting human and labor rights through GSP+” project.


The regional component of the “Promoting human and labor rights through GSP+” project was implemented by the ARF with Eurasia Partnership foundation with the support of Democracy Reporting International (DRI). The project was implemented in the scope of the “Promoting human and labor rights through GSP+” international project, which was completed in the follow 9 countries by the DRI: Armenia, Bolivia, Cape Verde, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Paraguay, Philippines, Sri Lanka.

Project-related publications:
Realization of The Right to Adequate Housing in Armenia With Focus on Persons Left Homeless in the City of Gyumri After the 1988 Earthquake


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