«Integrity Ambassadors in Armenia [2.0]»


Armenia Integrity Project (AIP)

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

All for Equal Rights Foundation (ARF)

Project Goals

  • Contribute to the awareness raising on corruption among teachers and students, zero tolerance for corruption and the promotion of integrity, bring possible behavioral changes and increase the awareness of the role and significance of the beneficiaries in the fight against corruption.
  • Contribute to education on corruption prevention and integrity by developing educational resources, training manuals and interactive materials and implementing them in school-based integrity clubs։
  • Promote the institutional use of educational materials for corruption prevention and integrity in public education institutions through complex communication and advocacy activities with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports։
  • Facilitating the establishment of integrity clubs within educational institutions through informal educational channels, while ensuring their sustained and institutionalized engagement through carefully developed syllabus and educational materials that meet the formal protocols mandated by the RA Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports for setting up school clubs.


Despite the fact that since 2018, Armenia has made great efforts in the fight against corruption, according to us and international organizations, the results are not very satisfying and encouraging, because corruption at the state level is systemic up to the community level.

In public educational institutions, both formal and informal educational activities aimed at increasing the level of awareness of students and teachers are not carried out, as a result of which both students/young people and the teachers community are unable to identify corruption and fight against it.

Although the political processes taking place in Armenia in recent years are aimed at preventing corruption and are defined as anti-corruption strategic steps, they are not enough to overcome the existing challenges. Awareness of corruption among young people is formed only by the content circulating in daily news streams, which is not only insufficient to identify corruption, but also often misleads the audience and spreads misinformation.

The “Corruption: Shift+Delete” program allowed our team to conduct in-depth work with the target institutions and beneficiaries, as a result of which it became clear that the work carried out in this direction is extremely important and a priority. The beneficiaries themselves claim that the best way to fight corruption is education, starting from school. The results of trainings, debates, interviews and focus group discussions with around 544 beneficiaries and 22 educational institutions have shown an increase in knowledge of around 90%, which is binding for us. At the same time, these statistics emphasize very low level of awareness of the participants, otherwise it would be unrealistic to register such an increase. It should also be noted that during the implementation of the program, ARF received many applications from other educational institutions with the desire to be included in the events, which was not possible due to limited funds.

In order to institutionalize the created result, the BSHI Foundation, with the support of USAID, continues its activities in these directions.


The main objectives of the project that will contribute to the achievement of the goal are:

Development of a training module by a special expert group and a three-day training of educators of the beneficiary educational institutions.

Establishment of Integrity Clubs in RA schools, development of tools for their management and institutional activity.

Advocacy of educational and teaching methodical resources and communication with partner departments.

Implementation of a social media campaign for public awareness of anti-corruption education.

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The “Integrity Ambassadors in Armenia” project is being implemented by ARF with the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) within Armenia Integrity Project.

The content is the responsibility of the All Rights Foundation and does not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the US government.

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