All for Equal Rights Foundation

In the past: "Transforming Platforms" Right-Making Activities Foundation


"All Rights'' Foundation's goals are:

Promote human rights and freedom publication and realization in the Republic of Armenia

Promote the establishment of democracy as a pillar of security and peace

Promote the supremacy of the equality principle of nations, that is the regulation of relations, including the legal, without discrimination

Facilitate the full public participation in managerial and self-management, organizational and self-organization processes on local, state, and international platforms

Contribute to sustainable, livable, and regenerative development in the world by promoting education, legal awareness, and critical thinking in the society


Strategic Approach


Transformer Programs

Our strategy is to create transformational platforms for arranging effective solution of the problems. To give new solutions to old problems, to transform them so that they can be positioned in the most effective way by their attributes, time, scale, resource, means, purpose, problem, action, outcome.


Resources Managment

Implement programs by investing minimum financial means and to turn the mechanisms of effective and optimal solution into the methodology and introduce on the basis of the global problem solving.


Experimental/Pilot Projects

Implement the success of pilot projects on the basis of larger scale programs. To show an oriented and focused approach to the sectoral problems and in case of efficiency to adapt the methodology according to the features of the territories.



As a result of effective and optimal methodologies to work on the development of livable and savings regimes, which will enable the achievement of visible results using less resources and extend the methodology and map of activities at the expense of savings.


Alexander Martirosian


All For Equal Rights Foundation Director

Communication and Media Specialist, Journalist

Vanuhy Gasparian


All For Equal Rights Foundation Lawyer

Human Rights Specialist

Problems Arising from Goals

  • Population education
  • Cvic education
  • Supremacy of democracy
  • Complete realization of rights
  • Principle preconditions for security and peace
  • Sustainable environmental development and reproductivity
  • Inclusivity in approaches
  • Supremacy of the principle of fairness and equality
  • An environment without violence and discrimination
  • Freedom of speech and ethics in a media environment
  • Peacebuilding and conflict transformation
  • Intercultural communication and solidarity among nations
  • Transparent and accountable management
  • Innovative and electronic solutions
  • Effective natural resource management
  • Valuing universal values

Policy Changes Dialogue

Cooperation with the Government for Supporting to Change State Infrastructures and Communication Providing Human Rights-Based Approach.