Project title: Regional CSOs Against Disinformation

Implementing organization: Public Journalism Club

Donor: Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to the Republic of Armenia / Lithuanian Development Cooperation

Implementation period: July 2021 – October 2021

Budget: 7.000 EUR

The aim of the project is to promote the capacity development of CSOs in 10 regions of Armenia in the process of combatting disinformation and fact-checking.

The project beneficiaries are civil society institutions operating in 10 regions of the Republic of Armenia, employees of the institutions (20 participants in total, 2 CSO representatives from each region).

Within the framework of the program, Public Journalism Club has cooperated with the All for Equal Rights Foundation in the Shiark region.

This project will foster the development of skills and experience of CSOs in 10 beneficiary regions against combatting disinformation. CSOs will start using the fight against fake news and disinformation in their activities. The project will promote that CSOs in the regions develop their skills and have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

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